Showcasing Youth Leaders on a National Platform
CLE’s national level Chanpyon Lakay competition accomplished two central priorities: Increasing the profile of innovative youth leaders, and engaging the larger public in their work.
In 2018, we launched our national-level youth competition Chanpyon Lakay, to highlight the work of Haiti’s young leaders – who are working to bring change to their communities through impressive social enterprises across sectors. The competition recruits from all ten departments of Haiti the country and selects the top 10 finalists through a rigorous process. Their initiatives are documented, and they are supported in campaigning for the public’s vote, with the winners receiving seed funding, international scholarships and a spot in CLE’s fellowship programs.
Chanpyon Lakay 2021, our second CL to date, was a roaring success, with over 30,000 votes cast for the 5 winners, high level of visibility from national press, as well as engagement from sector leaders in supporting each finalist. Chanpyon Lakay has long-standing support from the TK Foundation, the Digicel Foundation, and the Inter-American Development Bank.
Chanpyon Lakay 2022 will be launching shortly – stay tuned for updates!

Sem Registre
Sem Registre
Sem Registre is a young teacher. He teaches philosophy and literature in Gonaïves. He is a young community leader with a team spirit. He is a member of the Junior Chamber International of Haiti (JCI Haiti). He is the former president of the International Youth Chamber of Gonaïves , and the secretary of the RFI club of Gonaïves . The main objective of the Chanpyon Lakay 2021 “Green Coal” initiative is to provide an alternative energy source that can replace artificial coal with trees and make it more accessible. This project is also a way to reconcile economy and ecology. He wants to create opportunities to transform biodegradable waste (household waste, used rice husks, burning and grinding) into green/ecological coal.

Smith Derosiers
Smith DEROSIERS is a young leader from the Plateau Central. He is trained in agriculture and communication. He is also an entrepreneur in the Agricultural sector. Currently studying law at the State University, Smith DÉROSIERS has participated in training with CLE on project management, personal and professional development. He is participating in Chanpyon Lakay 2021 with the project “Strengthening the autonomy of farmers in the first communal section of Hinche”, with the goal of providing farmers with the basic means to cultivate their fields and water throughout the year. With this project, Smith wants to contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of the people coming to the Plateau Central by providing them with adequate training to help them be more successful.

Peterson Charles
Peterson Charles
Peterson Charles comes from the South-East department. He studied Telecommunications at Canado Technique in Port-au-Prince. He has participated in several leadership and community development trainings organized by Centre Haïtien du Leadership et de l’Excellence (CLE). He also has a background in cinematography. Peterson is a young entrepreneur participating in Chanpyon Lakay 2021 with an initiative called “Kore Jèn”. The goal of this project is to combat juvenile delinquency and unemployment while teaching young women and men to be self-sufficient. It will also be an opportunity to create a workshop for young people where they will get to work and create several handicrafts.

Wilmane Duverné
Wilmane Duverné
Wilmane DUVERNE has a background in agronomy. He lives in the commune of Capotille, in the North-East department. He is a young entrepreneur who works in the agricultural sector. He is a former young deputy of the Capotille-Mont-organisé constituency. Wilmane is involved in Chanpyon Lakay with the CAARAC project, a peanut storage center so that farmers can get good seeds to plant. The project aims to place two shelling machines in the center to allow farmers to peel peanuts and transform their peanut skins into ecological charcoal in order to fight deforestation issues in the community.

Sonel Gilles
Sonel Gilles
Sonel Gilles was born in the South-East department, in the communal section of Kapwouj. He is studying Agronomy at the Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine, in Port-au-Prince. He is a member of the Network of Students and Professionals Operating for a New Southeast (REPONSE) since 2016, a structure whose mission is to participate in the development of education, environment and agriculture in the department. He is also a member of the International Youth Chamber of Haiti (JCI Haiti), which he has been leading since 2019. He is participating in Chanpyon LAKAY 2021 with the project “Transformation of cacao”. His goal is to make farmers produce more cocoa that will allow them to have a better economy, while transforming a local cocoa into a local chocolate 100 percent. They have the potential to serve a large part of the national population that consumes hot chocolate and even happens to export to allow several currencies to enter the country.

Ricardo Bruno
Chanpyon Lakay winner,
increasing access of employment skills and tools in Terrier Rouge
Check out the Chanypon Lakay 2021
Virtual Awards Ceremony
With generous support from