Our Approach
One size doesn’t fit all. CLE adapts its programs depending the target audience to maximize impact. Throughout all programs, CLE prioritizes women, youth, and local community leaders. They are the unrecognized assets – the fuel needed to bring about a new Haiti. CLE delivers programs to identify and maximize each groups’ specific opportunities and overcome their obstacles, and is developing more technically focused capacity building opportunities for entrepreneurs and local government officials.
We believe that for social and economic development to be truly sustainable it must start and be led from within. In 2013, we launched our leadership development certificate training programs. Using a participatory and interactive pedagogy these programs build leaders’ capacity to work collectively, leverage strategic shared resources and set goals for long-term community transformation.
Educational programs are founded on the Values-Based Leadership for Social Change and Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) pedagogies. ABCD is an innovative philosophy that has been internationally championed by close CLE partner, the Coady International institute. ABCD focuses on mobilizing existing local resources as the foundation of all subsequent economic and social development activities. Indeed, this mentality shift, from needs to assets allows participants to quickly capture “low-hanging fruits,” sparking actions toward change rather than creating an inventory of needs and gaps.
With leadership and ABCD as the foundation, our programs have expanded to incorporate targeted tools and content for civic engagement, life & professional skills, conflict resolution, partnership and coalition building, entrepreneurship and social enterprise. To support organizational development, we deliver ethical leadership, governance and technical programs including budgeting and financial literacy and management, project cycles, writing a proposal, and more.